Axel Dürkop successfully completed his studies in philosophy and German language and literature in Hamburg. Meanwhile and afterwards he worked for ten years as a director, musician and actor at German city and state theatres, also with children and young people. Since his youth he has cultivated a passion for programming languages, software and computers.
For more almost twenty years Axel Dürkop has taught computer science from a technical and philosophical perspective. He is a passionate autodidact and lifelong learner. In his current position as a research assistant at Hamburg University of Technology, his focus is on researching and shaping openness in research, teaching and society.
Axel Dürkop was awarded the Hamburg Teaching Prize for Excellent Higher Education 2022 for his course “Introduction to Information Technology” in the Industrial-Technical Sciences degree programme at Hamburg University of Technology.
Axel Dürkop’s idea for the project WATTwanderungen in Hamburg was awarded the Nachhaltigkeitspreis Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) an Hochschulen in 2022 as an application from the Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU) at Hamburg University of Technology.
The website for the course Introduction to Information Technology Summer Semester 2017 (only still online in source text) was nominated for the OER Award 2017 in the category “Education and Training”. Content and technology have been continuously updated to date, here is the current status.
This blog is my place. Here I write about things that interest and move me, that I try out and want to share with others. The articles are partly in English, partly in German, which I decide according to which readers I reach best and how. The views expressed here are my own private ones, and are based in part on my teaching and research activities, but do not reflect the views of my employer.
You can get in touch with me using these addresses:
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GitLab | |
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Unsplash | |
Zotero | | | |
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