Mastodon Open Education and Open Science at TU Hamburg | Shaping Cultural Change | Axel Dürkop

Open Education and Open Science at TU Hamburg | Shaping Cultural Change

Poster for Open-Access-Week 2019 at TU Hamburg. CC-BY


The poster visualizes the desired cultural change at TU Hamburg based on the Policy for Openness in Research and Teaching, which was passed by the Academic Senate on 26.09.2019.

Dürkop, Axel, Feldsien-Sudhaus, Inken, Hapke, Thomas, & Rajski, Beate. (2019). Offene Lehre und Forschung an der TU Hamburg | Den kulturellen Wandel gestalten (Version 1.0). Zenodo.

At the top, the poster shows the shared values of Open Science and Open Education at TU Hamburg. Finally, four exemplary open products from the two discourses Open Science and Open Education form the conclusion. The policy for openness in research and teaching aims to motivate the development and publication of these products.