Shaping Openness

In this series of videos I deal with code, tools and architecture that I find interesting and capable of advancing teaching and research.


  • 0001 | Getting Started with GitLab

    This episodes gives a detailed introduction to onboarding GitLab. It aims at non-professional programmers who want to get acquainted with git-like collaboration.

  • 0002 | Collaborating on Office Documents with GitLab

    GitLab can be used like a NextCloud or Online Drive although it’s made for more than that. But onboarding colleagues and learners with this approach is a good idea, experience shows.

  • 0003 | Build Anything with GitLab

    In combination with Docker containers you can build almost anything with GitLab. Let’s find out, how collaborating on software, websites, blogs, scientific articles, Open Educational Resources (OER) and books works.

  • 0004 | Branches, Forks and Merge Requests in GitLab

    Collaboration works best with clear social contracts between the people involved. When technical systems implement and support them, too, working together even over great distance can be managed and be fun. GitLab implements two core concepts for collaboration on projects.

  • 0005 | Forkability and (De)coupling LMS and OER

    David Wiley is known for coining the 5R permissions of Open Educational Resources (OER). Not so well known is his ALMS framework that defines the openness of learning material from a technical perspective. Thus, in this episode I want to take a look at the ALMS framework and the concept of forkability of OER.

  • 0006 | Setting Up a Scholarly Writing Environment with Markdown, VSCodium and pandoc

    Bringing together Markdown, GitLab, Docker and the brilliant editor VSCodium one can have a very mighty writing and publishing environment. In this episode I want to give an insight into this approach for scholarly writing and editing.

  • 0007 | An Introduction to GitHub

    GitHub has been the creative and technical hub on the web for years when it comes to digital transformation. Countless projects by companies, professionals and activists can be found there, and new visitors to the site don’t necessarily know immediately how and where to get started. The video aims to fill this gap. I made it for my students at HAW and hope it helps anyone interested in GitHub to get started.